domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017


For all those who love writing, different types of letters, calligraphy and school material, today I propose: the art of drawing letters or also known as: lettering.

We  have all seen it  recently in. posters, business, advertisements and brands,  is a very well-known  and very fashionable technique but...what is  teh real meaning of lettering?

We must not  confuse the lettering technique with calligraphy or typography because the typographic style changes although they have the same propuse, to create a visual effect.

LETTERING: It refers to the art of drawing letters
CALLIGRAPHY: It refers to writing letters
TYPOGRAPHY: Refers to the design  process of the letters

 The main aim of Lettering is to create our own style by drawing the letters and for this we need a lot of practice. Due to  the flexibility this technique  allows us to use a wide variety and range of materials, types of surfaces and all kinds of brushes.

Recently it has gained a great popularity, the sensation that transmits a handmade process is very distinct and stylish from others and allow us to appreciate in a visual level.

The difference with other techniques lies in the fact that lettering is a manual work and therefore its imperfections and freestyle makes it very fashionable due to the movement of "handmade" and the vintage atmosphere  surrounds it.

Resultado de imagen de lettering

Resultado de imagen de lettering tombow
Resultado de imagen de lettering

Millions of possibilities for all kinds of minds that want to enjoy their free time drawing.
Here I leave a link to discover and go further  with lettering:

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